#DPM05_CH_mis03_SU1 - Darius, you promised us rich spoils, but there is nothing here to take. We demand part of the lands.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_DA1 - You can have gold, but not the land! Your mercenaries, Nectanebo, are no better than bandits. If you want a reward, bring me Alexander's head.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_SU2 - Gold is nothing but sand for the gods. Only land retains its value with the passing centuries... If this is how you want it, king, we are no longer your servants.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_DA2 - Bessus! Take warriors and take care of those traitorous Egyptians. I will not allow them to stab me in the back. Prepare to storm Thebes. How dare they disobey me. I am Darius, ruler of the world!
#DPM05_CH_mis03_BS1 - Is this the very Nectanebo? I was told that he was preparing a rebellion against you, my king... I will punish this traitor.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_BS3 - We have taken care of the Egyptians my lord. Nectanebo is dead.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_DA3 - Excellent, Bessus. Now it is time for Thebes. I will entrust this battle to you, the best of my generals. But remember, the city is strong.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_BS4 - Its strength, my lord, is just an illusion. And I will prove it to you. Tomorrow the city will lie at your feet.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_BS5 - Thebes has fallen and the Hellenes are begging for mercy.
#DPM05_CH_mis03_DA5 - So they plead, do they... Very well, Bessus, we will let them live... As subjects of the great Persian Empire!
#DPM05_mis4_start - Severing an alliance -
#DPM05_mis4_fiv - Preparation to attack Thebes -
#DPM05_mis4_end - Victory -
#DPM05_mis4_Task1 - Traitors
#DPM05_mis4_Task1F - Capture the camp and annihilate the Egyptian troops.
#DPM05_mis4_Task2 - Traitors
#DPM05_mis4_Task2F - Capture the camp and annihilate the Egyptian troops.
#DPM05_mis4_Task3 - Seize Thebes
#DPM05_mis4_Task3F - Crush Alexander's army and seize the city.
#DPM05_mis4_Task_LoseF - You will be defeated if you lose Darius or Bessus in battle.
#DPM05_mis4_Da - Sad news - Darius was killed in battle.
#DPM05_mis4_Bs - Sad news - Bessus perished in battle.
#DPM05_mis4_Win - Splendid! You have captured Thebes and put the Macedonians to flight.
#DPM04_window Near Thebes
#DPM05_Hint_mis4 - Destroy the camps of your former allies (Egypt) as fast as you can, otherwise during the city assault you will be fighting on two fronts.